What are my chances of going to these universities? UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC SanDiego, Stanford, MIT, Cornell? - getting onto the stanford lacrosse team
I am in the 10th Class 2 Half
I have 3.89 GPA unweighted and 4.0 (weighted three semesters)
For the 9th Grader at:
Alegbra 2/Trig H
Geography / Health
Biology H
English 9 H
PE 9
Spanish 1
For the 10th Year I have taken:
Geometry H
Chemistry H
AP Euro
PE 10
Spanish 2
English 10H
In the next year to 11 In the year under:
Physics H
Pre-Calculus H
AP Chemistry
AP English 11
AP U.S. History
Spanish 3
My extracurricular activities:
I can learn the keyboard (instrument), where he teaches how to decode ", a song on the keyboard to hear with the ear
Do badminton for my school (I JV-1 singles this year) considering Varsity Next Year
I have 50hrs of community service work in the library
I am applying to the clinic for 150-200 hours in the summer work
The plan also Vice President of Computer Club for next year and the head of the club and India MECHA Club
I refused to be a leader, but to connect. I havent yet taken the SA
What can I do to UC
Just go to class, obviously not enough. You need good at all. If you hold A/A- average high and continue to receive all these other activities, you should make it good.
Note that despite all these, there are no guarantees - Robots do not want better schools than poor performance. Whatever you do, make sure that for any other reason, because it looks good on a log.
(This is a tip for Harvard and Berkeley - is too good for the bottom of the CU do)
If you want the notes, and also on tests that should be able to apply anywhere forgiven with a straight face. In any case, people know with poorer grades they received in the Cal / UCLA / UCSD. Secondary schools are in fact a game of chance, but unless you are about to receive a Pulitzer for his first novel.
I think you have a good opportunity at UCLA and UCSD, and the rest of the underside of the CPU. Not sure that the other schools I mentioned. Also Valedictorian in schools like Berkeley, Stanford, Cornell and MIT released, it is hard to say ..
You are on the right track. =)
However, we can not predict the future.
Good luck.
I have friends who have in UCSD and UCSB much worse with the credentials than you. I think it will be good.
wow .... I classes R n im goin so u tink still a pretty big change
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