Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting Onto The Stanford Lacrosse Team What Are My Chances Of Going To These Universities? UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC SanDiego, Stanford, MIT, Cornell?

What are my chances of going to these universities? UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC SanDiego, Stanford, MIT, Cornell? - getting onto the stanford lacrosse team

I am in the 10th Class 2 Half
I have 3.89 GPA unweighted and 4.0 (weighted three semesters)

For the 9th Grader at:
Alegbra 2/Trig H
Geography / Health
Biology H
English 9 H
PE 9
Spanish 1

For the 10th Year I have taken:
Geometry H
Chemistry H
AP Euro
PE 10
Spanish 2
English 10H

In the next year to 11 In the year under:
Physics H
Pre-Calculus H
AP Chemistry
AP English 11
AP U.S. History
Spanish 3

My extracurricular activities:
I can learn the keyboard (instrument), where he teaches how to decode ", a song on the keyboard to hear with the ear
Do badminton for my school (I JV-1 singles this year) considering Varsity Next Year
I have 50hrs of community service work in the library
I am applying to the clinic for 150-200 hours in the summer work
The plan also Vice President of Computer Club for next year and the head of the club and India MECHA Club
I refused to be a leader, but to connect. I havent yet taken the SA

What can I do to UC


ZenPengu... said...

Just go to class, obviously not enough. You need good at all. If you hold A/A- average high and continue to receive all these other activities, you should make it good.

Note that despite all these, there are no guarantees - Robots do not want better schools than poor performance. Whatever you do, make sure that for any other reason, because it looks good on a log.

(This is a tip for Harvard and Berkeley - is too good for the bottom of the CU do)

Adam J said...

If you want the notes, and also on tests that should be able to apply anywhere forgiven with a straight face. In any case, people know with poorer grades they received in the Cal / UCLA / UCSD. Secondary schools are in fact a game of chance, but unless you are about to receive a Pulitzer for his first novel.

Uniboob said...

I think you have a good opportunity at UCLA and UCSD, and the rest of the underside of the CPU. Not sure that the other schools I mentioned. Also Valedictorian in schools like Berkeley, Stanford, Cornell and MIT released, it is hard to say ..

RAWR. said...

You are on the right track. =)

However, we can not predict the future.

Good luck.

Will P said...

I have friends who have in UCSD and UCSB much worse with the credentials than you. I think it will be good.

gOt MiLk said...

wow .... I classes R n im goin so u tink still a pretty big change

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